“As always, it is a case of those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.“
– Kjersti Løken Stavrum

Ole Jacob Sunde
Chairman of the Board
Ole Jacob Sunde has been an entrepreneur throughout his career. Sunde has also been associated with the Schibsted Media Group ASA for the last 30 years. He was elected to the Board in 2000 and served as Chair from 2002 - 2022. He has been a board member since the inception (1996) of the Tinius Trust (the dominant owner of Schibsted) and Chair since 2007. He has been Chair of the Scott Trust (owner of The Guardian and the Observer) since 2021, and a member since 2015, as well as a member of the Board of Visitors at Columbia University, School of Journalism (since 2019). He is a principal shareholder and board member of Formue AS, a leading, Scandinavian wealth management firm, which he founded in 2000, and a board member and investor in several start-ups. He works with initiatives related to the SDGs. He is educated in France, Switzerland, and the USA (Northwestern University).

Kjersti Løken Stavrum
CEO and member of the Board
Daglig leder (CEO) i Stiftelsen Tinius. Medlem av styret i Stiftelsen Tinius og styreleder i Schibsted Media.
Kjersti ledet den norske regjeringens ytringsfrihetskommisjon og har vært president i Norsk PEN og styremedlem i Ethical Journalism Network. Hun har hatt ulike lederposisjoner i norsk mediebransje, inkludert redaktør i Aftenposten. Tidligere generalsekretær i Norsk Presseforbund, leder av Norsk Redaktørforening i Oslo, styremedlem i International News Media Association (INMA) og direktør for medlemskommunikasjon i Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon (NHO).
Kjersti har en mastergrad i statsvitenskap fra Universitetet i Oslo og en executive master i ledelse fra Handelshøyskolen BI.

Jon Wessel-Aas
Member of the Board
Jon Wessel-Aas is a member of the Board of the Tinius Trust. He is a Supreme Court Attorney and a partner in Glittertind. Fields of expertise are Media, Privacy, Intellectual Property and Civil Rights law. Bsc. International Relations from London School of Economics & Political Science (1988), Cand. jur. From University of Oslo (1995). Chair of the Norwegian Bar Association (2020-2024). Chair of the Dagbladet Trust. Board member of the Institute for Social Sciences, Oslo.

Karl-Christian Agerup
Deputy member of the Board
Karl-Christian Agerup is deputy member of the Board of the Tinius Trust. He is member of the Board of Schibsted ASA. Former CEO of Oslotech AS (2010-d.d.). Co founder and General Partner Northzone Ventu- res, (1994-2009). Founder and Managing Director HUGIN AS, (1995-1999). Associate McKinsey & Co., (1991-1993), Engagement Manager (1993-1994). Corporate Planner Millipore Corp., Boston, USA, (1990-1991). Board Member of Aftenposten AS. Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Master of Science in Management (1990). Copenhagen Business School, Business Economist/HA (1988).

Gunilla Asker
Deputy member of the Board
Gunilla Asker is deputy member of the Board of the Tinius Trust. Former SVP Marketing at ICA Sweden AB and CSO at Wise Group. She was CEO of the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) from 2009 – 2018, responsible for developing and implementing SvD’s multichannel strategy which aimed to meet digital market and business needs. She first entered the media sector in 2005, joining SvD as Marketing and Sales Director. Gunilla has also been SVP Marketing and Communication at SJ and spent 13 years working for Unilever with strategy, branding, marketing and sales. Gunilla is a member of the Board of SOS Alarm and Visit Sweden.

Jaan Ivar Semlitsch
Member of the Board
Jaan Ivar Semlitsch is the CEO of Komplett Group and a former CEO of Orkla and Elkjøp Nordic. Among other roles, he is the chairman of the board for the bookstore chain Norli, holds a degree in business economics, and has a background from McKinsey.

Agnes Stenbom
Member of the Board
Agnes Stenbom is the Founder and Head of IN/LAB – Schibsted Media and the Tinius Trust's joint initiative focusing primarily on people who do not trust or consume editorial news media today. In addition, she is pursuing an industrial PhD at KTH Royal Institute of Technology where her research since 2020 has focused on AI and journalism.
Agnes holds a bachelor's degree in media and communication from Uppsala University and a combined master's degree in media management from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm School of Economics. She has also studied journalism in Seoul, South Korea.
Having initially joined Schibsted as a management trainee in 2018, Stenbom’s career thus far has largely been dedicated to ensuring responsible use of AI technologies in the media sector. Before founding IN/LAB, she led Schibsted's work on AI risk mitigation and co-led the Group's AI-strategy. In 2020 she co-founded the now widely celebrated industry network Nordic AI Journalism. In this capacity, she is also the co-founder and host of the Nordic AI in Media Summit.
In 2024, Stenbom was named AI Swede of the Year by TechSverige, the largest industry network in Sweden, and was also awarded the Swedish UNESCO Prize for her work on promoting responsible use of AI in the media sector. In 2021, the International News Media Association (INMA) named her one of the 30 most promising global media leaders under 30.
Agnes Stenbom brings an internationally recognized ability to analyse media trends, combing an understanding of emerging technologies with a commitment to ensuring that independent journalism serves all members of society.
At the time of joining the Board in February 2025, Agnes is on leave from her operative engagements in Schibsted Media as she welcomes her first child to the world.