4. april 2019
Meet the Tinius Trust
The Tinius Trust invited investors, analysts, media and other stakeholders to a presentation of the Trust, on Monday 25 March […]
The Tinius Trust invited investors, analysts, media and other stakeholders to a presentation of the Trust, on Monday 25 March 2019.
The seminar included a presentation of the Tinius Trust’s perspectives on our ownership of Schibsted and Adevinta and explain how our strategy form a solid base for the future prosperity of both companies. The audience met the CEO of the Trust Kjersti Løken Stavrum, Chairman of the Board Ole Jacob Sunde, Member of the Board Karl-Christian Agerup, Chief Analyst of the Tinius Trust Terje Seljeseth and advisor to the Trust, Jon Gunnar Pedersen.
The event was live streamed and the video is available here.
Read more about the program and presentations.
12.00-12.10: The Tinius Trust. Who we are and what we aim to achieve. By CEO of the Tinius Trust, Kjersti Løken Stavrum. Download here.
12.10-12.30: The economy of the Tinius Trust and the Trust’s take on value creation in Schibsted. By advisor, Jon Gunnar Pedersen. Download here.
12.30-12.50: The Tinius Trust’s perspective on the ownership of Schibsted and Adevinta. By Chairman of the Board in Schibsted ASA and the Tinius Trust, Ole Jacob Sunde. Download here.
12.50-13.10: The strength of an entrepreneurial spirit. By CEO of Oslotech AS and member of the Board of the Tinius Trust, Karl-Christian Agerup. Download here.
13.10-13.40: The Tinius Trust, an attractive owner of a competitive media company? Q&A with Ole Jacob Sunde, Karl-Christian Agerup and Chief Analyst of the Tinius Trust, Terje Seljeseth. Facilitated by Kjersti Løken Stavrum.[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_gallery el_id=”gallery-190939″ type=”carousel” medias=”1570,1567,1573,1572,1571,1569,1564,1566,1565″ carousel_lg=”3″ carousel_md=”3″ carousel_sm=”1″ gutter_size=”3″ carousel_interval=”3000″ carousel_navspeed=”400″ stage_padding=”0″ single_overlay_opacity=”50″ single_padding=”2″][/vc_column][/vc_row]