About us
"The ownership must ensure freedom and independence for Schibsted's media outlets."
– Tinius Nagell-Erichsen
Tinius Nagell-Erichsen
The Tinius Trust was established by Tinius Nagell-Erichsen through the Trust Deed on the 8th of May 1996 and has a basic capital of NOK 42,862,184. Nagell-Erichsen had established Blommenholm Industrier four years earlier, the company to which he transferred all his shares in Schibsted. In 2006, the A-shares (voting shares) were transferred from Blommenholm Industrier to the Tinius Trust. Consequently, the Tinius Trust owns all the voting shares of Blommenholm Industrier and controls the equity interest in Schibsted held by Blommenholm Industrier.
Nagell-Erichsen stated that he wanted to use this influence to ensure that Schibsted remains a media group. Tinius Trust's main objective is to strive for the long-term sustainable development of Schibsted, to ensure quality and credibility in all its publications, and to maintain free and independent newsrooms, as stipulated in the Articles of Association.
When necessary, the foundation shall also work in favour of and subsidise projects that impact the general conditions essential to ensuring a free and independent press.

Schibsted ASA’s Articles of Association
Amendments to Schibsted ASA’s Articles of Association require a three quarters majority, and according to the Articles of Association no shareholder can own or vote for more than 30 per cent of the shares. Schibsted ASA’s Articles of Association also ensure that important decisions made by the Group’s subsidiaries require the support of three quarters of the votes cast at the General Meeting of Schibsted ASA.